Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wondering through life eating fruit 7.29.08

A few weeks back I was taking a lot of walks through the fields just taking in the senery and the agriculture enviorment that is all around me I just have to hike out of town about 20 minutes to see it. Its easy to forget its there.

As soon as I get out there its like I am in a different part of the country. There are wheat fields acres and acres long, next to sunflower fields and corn. As I walk down the dirt road I see little patches of land that has been partitioned off that people work out, outlining their fields maybe with a box of corn all the way around it then inside that box is a box of carrots then, peas or beans or even potatoes, its beautiful and interesting.

I also have been working with my partner on his plum orchard and the last time we finished cutting grass with a scicle? (I don’t know how to spell it .. but its that blade grim reaper carries with him) in mud half way up to my knees… I got to go to a neighboring orchard and eat some fresh peaches off the trees. They were easily some of the best fruit I have ever eaten in my life.

Other days I will just be walking and grab a handful of cherries off a tree or go through a garden picking strawberries. It really lets you appreciate how wonderful fresh fruit is and really brings nature back into the picture where it seems so lost from view or thought.

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