Luckily for me I have been homeless one of the things I was able to experience was working in the fields with the old host family from Peresecina. They all went to the fields to go collect grapes to make wine and I was invited then told to reconsider. I was like heck yea ill go to the fileds and collect grapes to make wine! They said it wasn’t fun but I just wanted to help with something.
So about 18 hours later ill tell ya this, its not horrible but its not exactly fun either ;-). Spent the entire day the first day from 7 am until 9 at night working. There was about 15 of us in total and we had this little process going on where we would have pickers and bucket carries with the grapes. I made sure to do every job, from the picking, to the carrying, to the delivering the grapes with car and trailer and dumping them into barrels through this hand crank grape smasher. This wonderful time was finished off with a Masa or meal where we filled our mouths with watermelons, soup, bread, beer and of course some whisky. ( given I had run out of my store bought water I was forced to resort to drinking the well water like everybody else) I got lucky having little side effects after the consumption.
Now for the squash. So I was homeless for a bit so in my travels I stayed in a this village with another peace corps volunteer near my site. I woke early one morning and forced myself to be able to go to the fields do to whatever they were doing. Turns out we were picking squash and throwing them into this truck trailer. Just had to throw that story in because I had never picked up a squash before I don’t think having only seen them at thanksgiving festivals next to pumpkins who dominate that holiday.
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