That’s right, the title is correct. We have a new addition to our array of animals in the back yard now. I am sitting out side reading no other then War and Peace ;-) that’s right that 1300 plus classic that I never though id read and I am sure countless Peace Corps Volunteers get the chance to read during our schedules…. When my host mom comes around the corner with a duck in her hands and says look what I found!
This guy who is 1 month old and almost the size of a full grown chicken some how made its way into our yard, nobody knows how cause we have and fence and he can’t fly. Anywho we put some food down for him and some water, he guzzles them down and then walks around scared to death of us. We have a little gimpy chicken that I need to take a picture of, I hope to attach it here… anyway his mom doesn’t want him back after sitting on him breakin his legs where my upon my host mom had to nurse him back to health and now he gimps around the yard by himself. But he is scared of the duck and the duck just wants some company, so they are a funny sight to watch waddle around the yard.
Anyway, I got my computer out to show my host dad what a pressure washer was and then with that I got the idea to look up duck calls. With that I set off to have some fun with our new friend. I went to google put in duck calls and then began to call the duck for thigns like feeding time, or just for him to come close… he was really confused then after some time I just felt bad because I was growing a little attached to him knowing in 2 months he would lose his head and he would be meat… that’s a horribly depressing way to end that little snip… sorry. A happy ending is that last night the gimpy little chicken and duck snuggled next to each other as orphans and had a good night sleep.. (true story).

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